#PrivilegeTax Story: Alexis Ohanian - EleVen by Venus Williams

#PrivilegeTax Story: Alexis Ohanian

 Alexis Ohanian

Alexis Ohanian
Founder of Seven Seven Six
Seven Seven Six (sevensevensix.com)
@alexisohanian (Twitter) // @alexisohanian (Instagram)

Q. I believe you must constantly be in pursuit of your best self. How have you prioritized doing so over the past year with the world being in a state of constant chaos?

This past year has certainly been a year filled with change for me. I think the onset of the pandemic really prompted me to reevaluate areas of my life, and made me think about my impact on the world and the legacy I wanted to leave behind for my daughter.  I made some major life changes, including resigning from the Reddit board in protest and leaving the venture fund I co-founded.  I found that what I really wanted to do was to start something completely new and build it from the ground up, using the mistakes and the lessons learned from my past to inform the process, and that is what led to founding my new venture capital firm, Seven Seven Six.

Q. Any advice for someone that wants to advocate for pay equity?

My advice whenever it comes to supporting an issue you are passionate about, whether it’s pay equity, or paid family leave - is to become an expert on that topic.  Research organizations who support the issue, read as much as you possibly can about it and find other like minded individuals who are talking about the issue online and follow and engage with them on social media. Once you feel confident, start talking about it. If you’re a manager or owner, do the work to create a consistent, transparent, and equitable compensation plan.

Q. What’s your go-to resource recommendation for learning about business and/ or leadership?

There are a lot of great books and podcasts out there, so it’s hard to single out only a few. I was also recently introduced to this amazing company called The Grand, which is an internationally acclaimed group coaching experience co-founded by two incredible women Anita Hossain and Rei Wang.  They have designed a specific coaching program for emerging leaders, so rather than listen to other people’s experiences on a podcast you are working hand in hand with a group of peers from all over the world all in pursuit of self betterment - which I think is a pretty powerful thing.

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