#PrivilegeTax Story: Tracy Anderson - EleVen by Venus Williams

#PrivilegeTax Story: Tracy Anderson

 Tracy Anderson

Tracy Anderson
Tracy Anderson Mind & Body
Tracy Anderson (Tracyanderson.com)
@tracyandersonmethod (Instagram)

Q. I believe you must constantly be in pursuit of your best self. How have you prioritized doing so over the past year with the world being in a state of constant chaos?

We were born with a natural curiosity and adrenaline. That is a powerful combination. I love that you believe that you must be in constant pursuit of your best self as that is an important guiding principle. Over the past year, the combination of the challenges at hand and the rise of social media allowed millions upon millions of people to show the world how they use their personal power. To me, that brought forward just how much chaos and mismanaged energy we are living with today, and how much more important it is to do just as you said to constantly strive to be and continue to become your best self. This past year I focused on the care of myself and others. Always putting the risk at the forefront while managing my personal energy. 

Q. Where did you first discover that women were paid less than men?

I always felt it from the time I got my first job as a teenager that there was a “place” for women that was not in the same league as men. I really started to see it when I hired my first female CEO’s. I have had several, and what I noticed was their trauma from going to the best schools and fighting for the same privileges as men and to be valued the same. Their paths to get on a Wall Street floor, or to become the CMO of a major corporation, etc. did not come without serious battle scars. Some of the stories proved that the price of inequality was at the end of the day a total hijacking of a person's accomplishments. Business practices have to become realized, or our divided society will lose to a system that is not only less than fair, it's abusive. 

Q. Tell me about one woman in your life whose impact you admire most? 

I feel like so many women look up to her, but I have to join the choir and say that Oprah is truly the definition of someone who constantly showed the world that she was capable of everything we experience. Her calm presence, grace, sharp mind and beautifully full heart was always something I tuned into throughout my life. She had an impact on me as a fan, but when Gwyneth brought me on her show, well she might not realize it, but she injected that love into my life's work.  

Q.Any advice for women that want to advocate for pay equity? 

Know your work and know how to communicate it. Women before us have had to fight the fight they were forced to fight. They had to dim their lights in a sense to get heard in the room, and now we have to do better for them. Get knowledgeable. We have to align ourselves with the truth of the past unfairness the best we can so that now we can get heard at the highest levels.

    Q. What one piece of advice would you give your 13 year old self?

    Don’t bottle it all in and read more.

    Q. What’s your go-to resource recommendation for learning about business and/ or leadership?

    I read and I connect with people that I am interested in learning from. I read a lot about energy, nature, and society. I read a lot of research for my job, and I fear for any business that is founded by people that don’t really love to learn. I find YouTube, podcasts, blogs, etc. to be entertainment education that can’t get much deeper than inspiration. I think MasterClass is pretty epic, but again, it's so inspiring it makes me want to learn more rather than feel I learned from it.

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